"We hope for your understanding" is a common cliché found in bureaucratic documents. Being too formal, this phrase implies neither any regret, nor an intention to change something, only admitting the existence of a 'problem'. The long 'we hope for your understanding' replaces the brief, but just as neutral 'sorry', keeping its basic purpose of acknowledging the situation and patient acceptance.
Created with Illya Isupov and Oleksiy Sai.
Created with Illya Isupov and Oleksiy Sai.

The inscription reading ’Sorry’, being situated on the gallery ceiling, heats the model of a railway station made of paraffine wax. The station itself is an umbrella representation of the ’70-’80’s architecture, widely spread in the post-Soviet countries. Being heated, the model gradually melts and disappears, reminding of the collapse of the seemingly indestructible empire.
Watching the air balloon, doomed to explode from the very first moment, we keep feeling the same frustration and time loss. ‘Cleaner’ is a documentation of the obsessive actions of the subway passenger, trying to clean the subway car from the remnants of adhesive tape and advertisement posters.
Watching the air balloon, doomed to explode from the very first moment, we keep feeling the same frustration and time loss. ‘Cleaner’ is a documentation of the obsessive actions of the subway passenger, trying to clean the subway car from the remnants of adhesive tape and advertisement posters.